Yes everyone dreams that one day they will ge tto stand in front of a green screen as the photographer tells them to pose this way and that, bu tI would never want that. I am single as most of my readers know, and you also know that I am very unhappy being single. There comes a time in everyone's life that they are offered a chance to get away, and then you rely on your peers to give you the right advice, and then you still don't know what to do so you consult your counselors, and fellow teachers. you ultimately decide to stay put for another year, and hope things go better for you, and then that year goes by and you feel like that you have just stuck a knife in your own back.
Well my friends I have reached that very point in my life. I feel like I have lost my mind, and that there is no turning back. I can not even see a possible road back to happiness. Everytime someone attempts to get close to me i figure out a new way to become a self-centered asshole, and the only people i get close to are the ones I would not miss a meal to have even the slightest chance of a date with, and then there are the girls that i want to get close to, but they drive me away. Most people would look at all my issues I have with finding my poster girl, and tell me to go gay. Well that is not going to happen. I have accomplished a plethora of things, and any guy or girl has every right to be jealous and even envious. I do not ask for pietti for the whole situation, i do ask for understanding, and will not settle for anything less.
Most of you know that I have been under going the moral struggle of underage engagements, and through this whole pathetic, immature arguement i have not once wavered in my opinions. I believe that a 17 year old should not be engaged, havung sexual relations, or even the slightest bit of in intament relations with a 14 year old. Any parent who could knowingly allow this to go on is an abomination to society, and should never have had kids. There are some things that you must force your children to conform to in society.
We always say that we would rather our relationships to be this way or that, and be greatful that we have a relationship with this person. This position is completely wrong, and proves that once again people in our generation have chosen to settle rather than risk it to get the bisciut. I say that we should never settle, and settling will only produce a mild sense of contentment, and the hunger that is deep down is never fulfilled. We, as youth, should do anyything we can to take action, and make our world a better place.
We have all these clubs in school talking about savign the rainforest, and correcting our parent's generation's mistakes. Well my question is simply how can we correct another generation, if we are busy screwing up our own? Why are we critizing our parents for getting married at such a young age, and run off the next day get engaged and say whoops mom I'm pregnant? Will the world end in 2012? I don't think so... We have alot of things that need fixin' before this world can end. Religions vary between countries, and those who believe in the same founding principles cannot even agree on one simple concept. Science was once a major part of religion, and then some up tight ass hole comes along, and decides that science is trying to prove religion never happened. humans have this odd quality about them. They are curious creatures, and they are very quick to critize someone elses work. Why do we not convert to solar power? because all of those damn liberals in congress are to worried about who's gonna write their campaign check, and not actually do what they promised in the elections. America has become the monster, that we have so feverently tried to rid the world of. We are an infestation, and should not be allowed to breathe another breath. So take the time to smell the roses,a nd instead of bitching just shut up and take action. There is no sense in being this giant dog with all bark and no bite.
Truly yours,Sir Patrick Ryan Eason