Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Work is Good for the Soul

IF you are so lazy that you choose not to get your lazy butt off the couch and go to work then you do not deserve government benefits. If the body is able, and the mind is willing put the potato chips down and go to work. It never hurt anybody. If you think you are fat exercise. If you are dumb study harder. If you are hungry eat. I do not want to hear your excuses. Relax when you are tired then get back to work. When the going gets tough the tough get going...
If you choose not to look for a home, or refuse to help yourself do not depend on me...
I can only help you if you help yourself... Leave my tater chips alone... I will bite
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

1 comment:

Britany said...

Well, looks like someone pushed your button and stole your chips. LOL. I'm sorry :( They must have been really good ones! LOL