Friday, December 18, 2009

A day in the Life of A poster boy...

Yes everyone dreams that one day they will ge tto stand in front of a green screen as the photographer tells them to pose this way and that, bu tI would never want that. I am single as most of my readers know, and you also know that I am very unhappy being single. There comes a time in everyone's life that they are offered a chance to get away, and then you rely on your peers to give you the right advice, and then you still don't know what to do so you consult your counselors, and fellow teachers. you ultimately decide to stay put for another year, and hope things go better for you, and then that year goes by and you feel like that you have just stuck a knife in your own back.
Well my friends I have reached that very point in my life. I feel like I have lost my mind, and that there is no turning back. I can not even see a possible road back to happiness. Everytime someone attempts to get close to me i figure out a new way to become a self-centered asshole, and the only people i get close to are the ones I would not miss a meal to have even the slightest chance of a date with, and then there are the girls that i want to get close to, but they drive me away. Most people would look at all my issues I have with finding my poster girl, and tell me to go gay. Well that is not going to happen. I have accomplished a plethora of things, and any guy or girl has every right to be jealous and even envious. I do not ask for pietti for the whole situation, i do ask for understanding, and will not settle for anything less.
Most of you know that I have been under going the moral struggle of underage engagements, and through this whole pathetic, immature arguement i have not once wavered in my opinions. I believe that a 17 year old should not be engaged, havung sexual relations, or even the slightest bit of in intament relations with a 14 year old. Any parent who could knowingly allow this to go on is an abomination to society, and should never have had kids. There are some things that you must force your children to conform to in society.
We always say that we would rather our relationships to be this way or that, and be greatful that we have a relationship with this person. This position is completely wrong, and proves that once again people in our generation have chosen to settle rather than risk it to get the bisciut. I say that we should never settle, and settling will only produce a mild sense of contentment, and the hunger that is deep down is never fulfilled. We, as youth, should do anyything we can to take action, and make our world a better place.
We have all these clubs in school talking about savign the rainforest, and correcting our parent's generation's mistakes. Well my question is simply how can we correct another generation, if we are busy screwing up our own? Why are we critizing our parents for getting married at such a young age, and run off the next day get engaged and say whoops mom I'm pregnant? Will the world end in 2012? I don't think so... We have alot of things that need fixin' before this world can end. Religions vary between countries, and those who believe in the same founding principles cannot even agree on one simple concept. Science was once a major part of religion, and then some up tight ass hole comes along, and decides that science is trying to prove religion never happened. humans have this odd quality about them. They are curious creatures, and they are very quick to critize someone elses work. Why do we not convert to solar power? because all of those damn liberals in congress are to worried about who's gonna write their campaign check, and not actually do what they promised in the elections. America has become the monster, that we have so feverently tried to rid the world of. We are an infestation, and should not be allowed to breathe another breath. So take the time to smell the roses,a nd instead of bitching just shut up and take action. There is no sense in being this giant dog with all bark and no bite.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Thursday, August 20, 2009


How I wish that some people could just understand that when someone doesn't love you anymore you just move on. I wish that Cody could understand that he has gabby, and I got Tyla and he should leave it at that. And I am going to date her regardless of what ppl say. You shouldn't care what other ppl say. Most likely the ppl that are talking about your life, don't have one themselves... SO the moral for today is keep your nose in your own business. Lifes too short to worry about someone elses. Remember big things happen when your worried about the little things.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

How i honestly feel.

By some i feel used, threatened, and abused. I am tired of it. Manna needs to get off her high horse and stop being a bitch to everybody about everything. She isn't perfect. MY heart is telling me i need to tell tyla how i feel and get around ALL THIS I heart you bull shit. My head is saying don't never or at least not yet. I am scared shitless of the final outcome, I always am. They say the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Well I don't know how i feel about that. It is behind me the whole telling her i have those kind of feelings, but I am chicken shit to tell her that i love her. I want so see her b4 she goes, but this weekend is the only weekend left i have with my mom b4 she goes. she is going to go see chandler saturday he is her nest friend, but where do i come into this category? Somebody freaking help me. I am totaly depressed on this matter. Her parents say that she can't come bc she already promised chandler. Oh well I will just have to see what i have to do. Crap i suck. Someone help me. I am scared that somehow i am going to screw up the marching band show, and everyone will hate me. I am scared of what people are going to say when they see my hair when i go to school. I am not doing what i am doing to it until after band camp. Ha ha ha help
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Friday, July 17, 2009

a forced dealing

Hello. miss me much? I have been in a hotel. what is the purpose of a hotel? Its main purpose is to put yo into such small quarters with your family that you are forced to deal with them. Well i hate my family. my brother stinks. I don't think that he has showered since we have been here. He is rather disgusting. My mother can't control her attitude or moods for that matter. I do however hate my step father, i love my mother, but this guy has to go. he does alot for us, but he treats us like shit when he talks to us He is demeaning, a bully, and an overall egotistical jerk. okay.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Friday, July 10, 2009

Levi Johnston: Palin resigned to cash in on fame

ANCHORAGE, Alaska – A spokeswoman for Gov. Sarah Palin is scoffing at comments by Bristol Palin's former fiance, who says he thinks Palin resigned to cash in on her fame.
"It is interesting to learn Levi is working on a piece of fiction while honing his acting skills," Palin family spokeswoman Meghan Stapleton said in an e-mail to The Associated Press.
Levi Johnston, 19, whose wedding to Bristol Palin was called off earlier this year, said Thursday he lived with the Palin family from early December to the second week in January. He claimed he heard the governor several times say how nice it would be to take advantage of the lucrative deals that were being offered, including a reality show and a book.
"She had talked about how nice it would be to take some of this money people had been offering us and you know just run with it, say 'forget everything else,'" he said.
He said he thinks book deals were really what appealed to Palin.
"I think the big deal was the book. That was millions of dollars," said Johnston, who has had a strained relationship with the family but now says things have improved.
Compensation details of Palin's book projects haven't been disclosed. The former GOP vice presidential candidate has said she is facing more than $500,000 in legal fees.
Johnston made his comments at a news conference Thursday at the office of his attorney, Rex Butler.
Johnston came forward, Butler said, because Alaskans want to know why Palin has decided to resign, effective the end of the month.
Johnston is pursuing his own book deal and movie deal while working as a carpenter.
Asked if he would vote for her if she ran for president, Johnston said: "I think she's a great lady, but after seeing what she did now, you know, leaving Alaska, I would have to say, 'no.' Obviously she's stressed out as governor. I mean moving up to the vice president or president is huge. I just don't think anymore that she's cut out for the job."

So this guy got his engagement broke off, and then he goes around insulting people? GOd this guy needs to crawl in a fucking whole. Sarah Palin will make a great president, so this democratic asshole needs to shut the hell up.

Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

WHy do I always get the shity end of the stick?

My phone got thrown into a pool with me by my fagget brother. I then got my old phone. The battery sucks, and the person who threw me into the pool got his old phone back with a newer battery which totaly pisses me off. Its not my fault tht i got thrown into a pool. The mother fucker who threw me in needs to replace my phone I don't care how much it fucking costs. he needs to get off the god damned nipple and replace my phone. The shit head. Why do i have to constantly stay in a tangle of emotions? Is it my fault that i am a mistake, and should have never been born in the first place? IF you have an answer to why my life is shitty please feel free to answer. on the bright side TYLA will be coming back b4 christmas.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Monday, July 6, 2009

bye bye nerves

My stepdad is an asshole. he has been and always will be. He has got to have everything his way or the highway well, pardon the french but fuck him. no one is perfect and he needs to grow a set and deal with it. I hate it most when he compares me to other people. I am me. there is rom for impovement but not the way he wants me to improve. I don't care what he thinks i am not gonna be when i grow up. he is a pain in the ass. Will he just go the fuck away?
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

After falling from the face of the planet i am back

I started out just going to summer camp, so let me tell you about that first. It was exciting. I made lots of new friends, and played this really wierd strategy game with a deck of cards. i got certified for life gaurd, I also learned to sail and canoe. i had a blast, and this time no sunburn. So when i got back i went to a pool party for my little cousin megan. Well I had my cell, and my camera in my pocket, and this would explain exactly why i haven't texted, well i got thrown into the pool with all tht stuff in my pocket, it sucks. Sunday my grandmother came down and i went to her house for a week, nothing much to talk about just farm work, and not being able to talk to tyla. anyways I went to dads friday. I met his new gf she is pretty cool. She is a kick ass cook and taught me a few tricks. So my cooking variety has increased dramaticaly. Anyways. I also went fishing. I watched her fall into the river trying to come out of it. It was funny. i am home now so call the house or instant message me.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where to from here?

So you know me and tyla have been dating right? Well She goes to Kansas August 6, and she doesn't know is she is staying there, coming back, or going to college somewhere else. I just keep thinking she isn't coming back, and then where will i be? I really like her. A lot. I Realize that i can't hold her back, but i can't go with her yet. I am not the type to run away from my problems, but come on. Where do i go from here? I wanted to be there and now i have no idea where i stand.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Aquarius (Jan 23 - Feb 22) You have an inventive mind and are inclined to be progressive. You lie a great deal. You make the same mistakes repeatedly because you are stupid. Everyone thinks you are a fucking jerk
(Feb 23 - Mar 22) You are a pioneer type and think most people are dickheads. You are quick to reprimand, impatient and full of advice. You do nothing but piss-off everyone you come in contact with. You are a prick.
(Mar 23 - April 22) You have a wild imagination and often think you are being followed by the FBI or CIA. You have major influence on your friends and people resent you for flaunting your power. You lack confidence but are still a general bad ass.
(April 23 - May 22) You are practical and persistent. You have a dogged determination and work like hell. Most people think you are stubborn and bullheaded. You are nothing but a goddamed communist.
(May 23 - June 22) You are a quick and intelligent thinker. People like you because you are bisexual. You are inclined to expect too much for too little. This means you are a cheap bastard. Geminis are notorious for thriving on incest.
(June 23 - July 22) You are sympathetic andunderstanding to other people's problems, which makes you a sucker. You are always putting things off. That is why you will always be on welfare and won't be worth a shit. Everyone in prison is a Cancer.
(July 23 - Aug 22) You consider yourself a born leader. Others think you are an idiot. Most leos are bullies. You are vain and cannot tolerate criticism. Your arrogance is disgusting. Leo people are thieving motherfuckers and enjoy masturbation more than sex.
(Aug 23 - Sept 22) You are a logical type and hate disorder. Your shit-picking attitude is sickening to your friends and co-workers. You are cold and unemotional and often fall asleep while fucking. Virgos make good bus drivers and pimps.
Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22) You are the artistic type and have a difficult time dealing with reality. If you are a male you are probably queer. Chances for employment and monetary gain are nill. Most Libra women are whores. All Libras die of venereal disease.
Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 22) You are the worst of the lot. You are shrewd in business and cannot be trusted. You shall achieve the pinnacle of success because of your total lack of ethics. You are the perfect son-of-a-bitch. Most Scorpios are murdered.
Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 22) You are optimistic and enthusiastic. You have a reckless tendency to rely on your luck since you have no talent. The majority of Sagittarians are drunks. You are a worthless piece of shit.
Capricorn (Dec 23 - Jan 22) You are conservative and afraid of taking risks. You are basically chickenshit. There has never been a Capricorn of any importance. You should kill yourself.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Smoking Condoms

Two old ladies were outside their nursing home, having a smoke, when it started to rain. One of the ladies pulled out a condom, cut off the end, put it over her cigarette, and continued smoking.Lady 1: "What's that?"Lady 2: "A condom. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet."Lady 1: "Where did you get it?"Lady 2: "You can get them at any drugstore."The next day, Lady 1 hobbles herself into the local drugstore and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms.The guy looks at her kind of strangely (she is, after all, over 80 years ofage), but politely asks what brand she prefers.Lady 1: "It doesn't matter as long as it fits a Camel."The pharmacist fainted.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Lazy Rivers, Water SLides, and sunburn

Sun burn is the consequence of being Lazy in the lazy river yesterday at splash in the Boro. I had fun, but i am lobster Red on my back, stomach, arms, and face. i can't sleep, I can't lie down. I can do nothing without pain. Britany is in Atlanta auditioning for American Idol. It sucks, but good luck. Simon isn't there so she might have a chance. anyways i go to camp next week gotta run... oh i did talk to tyla for at least two hours last night, if not more...
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Monday, June 15, 2009

I am not a grass hopper

I hate to tell britany this, but i am not an insect. I do not know why i am getting annoyed by your calling me a grasshopper, but please stop. I do not wish to be mean. I am tired, i worked hard today and tomorrow i am going to sleep, and will be going to splash tomorrow... Good by for now
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thats what i am going to do

Okay I am posting for today. As i thought of what i should post about. It suddenly came clear to me, that some of my friends, or some aquaintances, are in need of tons of advice.
Well to Lindsey and her situation. I must say that you should never go back out with that guy, I don't care if you go lesbian. My brother is a dick. You could find better things in you life. Oh and as for making laugh i have no idea what to tell you.
Britany, And Katie, you guys are next. I can't tell you what a friendship means. that is something you must both learn on your own. If you must I wish for you two to just realize, that when the going gets tough the tough stick together. these are troubled times, and we have no idea what will come tomorrow. We must keep our friends close, but our enemies closer.
I have enjoyed myself today, and will continue to do so. I however do not wish to see blodd of any sort spilt over a minor conflict. There is no need to break a friendship, over a lover. Katie you should try your best to become slightly less blocking of britany. I have no idea what is said between the two of you, but from whaqt i read, you two are not happy being friends. I tell this becuase you could make a grave mistake. Darn i already got a new message on myspace, so i have to go.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Saturday, June 13, 2009

My refusual

Today i truly refuse to write about anything. For my non google readers, i am sorry. To britany you shall live. I want nothing more than to waste away the remaining days i have left just giving out all the advice i have, but i can't do that today. SO until next time...
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Friday, June 12, 2009

If you can't be with the one you love will you be with the one who loves you?

If you can't be with the one you love will you be with the one who loves you? I guess you could. I personal do not think that if you love someone you would be partiuarly happy with the one who loves you. So this statement is a little more difficult for me to explain. I can think of no examples in history, besides Romeo & Juliet. But they were even together for a little while. Matter of fact lets look at that. Romeo began the play in lust, which to me is a form of love, with a Nun. Well after realizing You can't get none from a Nun ROmeo is forced not to be with the one he loves. He finds Juliet, whom he is really horny for. She is in love with him. but she can not be with him, for she is to be married to that Charlse guy. I guess this means that you could be with the one who loves you with out being with the one you love.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Thursday, June 11, 2009

What a stupid Lamb

Someone is in unconditionally in love with you. they live in north carolina and you live in georgia. they just broke up with their significant other for YOU! unfortunately you are afraid to say ok because you are very wishy washy and you change your mind very often. what do you do and why?
First off i do not believe that you can be unconditionally in love with someone. Secondly I do believe that if you already have asignificant other, and choose to sever ties for some one far away. You are stupid. If you wish to go along with this person's bull shit line that says they love you unconditionally go ahead. It is not my place to tell you that you can't.
I however feel that it is necessary to give all love a chance, but this is not a case of love. more lust. If you do not know this person in person, and have never shared face to face sentimentals with this one then you do not need be involved with this person.
So in closing I am against it 100% and to do this would violate all of these morals, and policies I have surrounded myself with.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My nerves are shot

Right about now my nerves are completely shot. This guy isnt leaving me alone keeps asking me dumb questions. He wants to know if this kid is bi or not and i amlike ask him your damn self. I am sorry to be such a butt today, but i am kinda not in the mood. I really hope my step dad doesnt sayanything to me.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Monday, June 8, 2009

hours of Silence

Hours of silent comptemplating produces more results then days of talking. I believe in this wholeheartedly. We should spend a few hours each day in silence. We should silently reflect our misdeeds, and our good turns. We should not waste our time talking, but silently come to the conclusion of how to better ourselves as a person. We all need to be more silence orientated.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

My Order of the arrow Ordeal

Okay since this is a secret society I can not tell you anything... I went to Camp Blue Heron and that is it... You can not know anymore I am sorry... I had a blast had to pray five cans of bug spray but still had fun... anyways...We moved my grandmother out of my grandfathers house. My grandfather treatedher like crap. Sh lives in our caddy shack now. anyways i am tired, hungry and sore from this weekend any ways to escape pain please tell me...
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Thursday, June 4, 2009

People, Dirty deeds & excuses

People are the poorest excuses for humans. We can never express ourselves. We do not listen to one another. We blame each other for stupid crap. People are thievs. they steal their neighbors life, they expect to control you. Well guess what kiddo I dont think so not this guy... i hate authority, and i hateit when people assume they automatically have it over me because they are older. Well dumb asses try your crap on somebody else. I am not your kid. I fear no consequences if I do not listen to whatever it is you want me to do. if a kids hits me i am gonna hit back... So leave me alone and you won't have to worry about me... any ways i am kinda lost on what to say now brain hurts from thinking to fast... this post really sucks... could have had more passion
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

So Sue me

People say I have gotten boring... Well is i my fault that they haven't grown up. I choose not to conform to society... Tyla doesn't care who i piss off as long as i dont piss her off... So most of you know what that means. I think if you are doing, are bout to do, or have done something stupid keep it to yourself. I am not afraid of you... my gun is clean... SO watch it... I am me i will be me. I do not care how old you think you are... but you need to realize one thing... I am GOING to the TOP there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING you can do. I will do anything to get there. But i am in a better mood Tyla has post poned her two months in kansas till august now she can come hang out with me... yay but anyways i am looking forward to pissig you off. So SUE ME
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Work is Good for the Soul

IF you are so lazy that you choose not to get your lazy butt off the couch and go to work then you do not deserve government benefits. If the body is able, and the mind is willing put the potato chips down and go to work. It never hurt anybody. If you think you are fat exercise. If you are dumb study harder. If you are hungry eat. I do not want to hear your excuses. Relax when you are tired then get back to work. When the going gets tough the tough get going...
If you choose not to look for a home, or refuse to help yourself do not depend on me...
I can only help you if you help yourself... Leave my tater chips alone... I will bite
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Do you give me a reason to care?

There is always someone out there who really pisses us off and then expects us to care. I have to say i don't care how much i piss you off i don't expect you to care, hell i never expect much out of you anyways. I honestly don't care who you chose to date. it is not my job to tell you that you cant date that person. I am not your mother, I am not your father. I do not care what you do with your life. It is your life, and i expect you to live it. I am busy living mine. I interact with people of different natures. Is it my fault i like a variety of people in my life? lets see no... anyways... I make my decisions, and have a hard enough time with them, so how am i supposed to make all of your decisions?
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Carry On My Wayward Son

This is not about song lyrics. This is going to be my piece of inspiration or all of us who want to look back, but when we do we loose ourself. I just want to get the glimpse beyond this illlusion. I hear voices, but they tell me to carry on. Maybe its just the song i am listenig to?
Back to this though. I look at pictures and cry. I fly through time just in time to see what passes by... Don't we all? Everyone says it will be okay, and i know it will be, but whereis relief? its no where close... They say that these are the best years of my life... well so far i want to go jump off a bridge. I am not gonna say that life sucks, because i do not believe that it does. Life is beautiful. I absolutely love it at times, and hate it at others. We have drama in our lives, and we try our best to deal with it.
I am so caught up in pretending i just need to find a happy ending. I kinda need one. Time is of the essence, i do not want to use any quotes here, or any quotes that i knowexist, i think it would be best if i just say what i feel. There that is the proble, I don't know what to feel. i have been such an ass whole to everybody else that i forget what is really important. how i feel about what i did...
Right now i just want to shove a foot in my on ass. God i wish that there was a way to end it all right now without making anybody miserable. I couldnt become a hermit... TO many people always depend on me for something... I believe that a life worth living is a life lived for others. I have no idea how i am going to end up in this life, but Iwill end up, nd be happy... I dont care what i have to push myself through... I will relect not upon sorrow or rgrets, but upon what i can do about that. I will reflect with Bliss and courage and may i say this in closing. We are today what we were not yesterday. Tomorrow we will not be what we were yesterday. We will improve or face the consequences. I leave you with these thoughts for now.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Friday, May 29, 2009

the song i sing when no one is around

This is a song that nobody knowsI couldn't begin to describe how it goesBut it makes me cry or laugh right out loudIt's a song that I sing when there's no one aroundThis is the man that nobody seesHe wears my old clothes and he looks just like meJust one of the boys who gets lost in the crowdHe's the man that I am when there's no one aroundIt's four in the morningIm lyin' in bedA tape of my failuresPlayin' inside my headIt's heartaches and hard knocksAnd things I don't knowI listen and I wonderWhere will it goThis is a glimpse of the child that's withinHe's so immature but he's still my best friendIf he could learn how to fly he'd never touch downHe's the kid that I am when there's no one aroundThis is the dance I do every dayI let my feet go and get carried awayI let my soul lead and follow the soundIt's the dance that I do when there's no one aroundIt's four in the morningIm lyin' in bedA tape of my failuresPlayin' inside my headIt's heartaches and hard knocksAnd things I don't knowI listen and I wonderWhere will it goThis is a song that nobody knowsI still can't begin to describe how it goesBut it makes me cry or laugh right out loudIt's a song that I sing when there's no one aroundIt's a song that I sing when there's no one around
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

My Sacrifice

Hello my friend, we meet againIt's been awhile, where should we begin?Feels like foreverWithin my heart are memoriesOf perfect love that you gave to meOh, I remember When you are with me, I'm freeI'm careless, I believeAbove all the others we'll flyThis brings tears to my eyesMy sacrificeWe've seen our share of ups and downsOh how quickly life can turn aroundIn an instantIt feels so good to reuniteWithin yourself and within your mind Let's find peace thereWhen you are with me, I'm freeI'm careless, I believeAbove all the others we'll flyThis brings tears to my eyesMy sacrificeI just want to say hello againI just want to say hello againWhen you are with me I'm freeI'm careless, I believeAbove all the others we'll flyThis brings tears to my eyesCause when you are with me I am freeI'm careless, I believeAbove all the others we'll flyThis brings tears to my eyesMy sacrifice, My sacrificeI just want to say hello againI just want to say hello againMy sacrifice.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Why is the heart the most important organ, if it is so easily broken.

The heart is the center for life in a physical aspect. it pumps blood through out the body, and allows us to easlier maintain homeostasis, also known as life. It is a delicate organ also. In a more emotional point of view the heart is viewed as the processing plant for all of our love affairs. It is a dangerous thing to mess with. It can easily be fooled, and can not always lead us to the logical conclusion. most christian religions require

us to take ou god into our hearts, but in a surreal aspect, we just bring him into our minds, hence the pastor saying "believe" or "know" that christ is oursavior. the heart doesnt believe, know, or trust. Itsimply exists, and somehow leads us into love, lust, and allows us to live. Anoter thing is that we o easily allow people into our hearts becuase our brain just has to know that this person will supposedly love you forever, well in actual reality there is only one way to know if you will love someone forever. It is time. Time is of the essence. Do not believe this with one inch of you brain matter. Love can shatter your hurt.
“Perhaps we all give the best of our hearts uncritically to those who hardly think about us in return.” UNKNOWN
i end with saying that love is a precious gift sent from above, does it matter who is up there? people of all religion dream of leaving this earth, but the only choice that can seem to be complete is that you are going up or down. seeing how I have began straying from topic i end with two more quotes.
“When you smiled you had my undivided attention. When you laughed you had my urge to laugh with you. When you cried you had my urge to hold you. When you said you loved me, you had my heart forever.” Unknown
I end with my favorute quote, though i can not remember who said it i will leave an author out
"It is better to have loved, and lost; then to never had loved up at all."
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Friday In a Nut Shell 5-29-09

Hi everybody! today was AWESOME as some of you know today is mine & TYlA's 1MONTH Anniversary..Yay us while i am on that subject it sucks that she is going to be gone for two months but hey life goes on! but anyways Patrick got a sun tan today.
I sold poppies for the American Legion Auxiliary Post 164 at the Heritage bank. Megan Blew he horn at me today and i about flipped out my chair... lol! Anyways Pembroke Pizza is so good. I think everyone should eat there. I have to dress up June 11 for a luncheon at the community center for a Unsung Teen Hero award from the American legion.
Anyways i am really tired i should stop staying up so late.
if i do not go to nahunta this weekend then I will be at Andy's Market come see me... Anyways Luvs ya...
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Looking For Love in all the wrong Places

We are all stressed with trying to find that one person who completes us. Its not that we will never find our other half. It is just that it is harder for some of us to find our soul mate. DO not get down on love. Or love will get down on you. Do not rush love look for love in everyplace. This includes getting out of your comfort zone. You maybe looking for love in all the wrong places. Do not try to plan your destiny it will bite you in the ass.
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

Well Sir Patrick you have done it again

Well love, and other people who have fallen into the great abyss that reminds me i started writing a piece called the edge of the great abyss. Oh well that is a piece of the past since i lost my hard drive... here is the deal with this one i am ranting and raving and just going to talkpointlessly until i get finished.
I absolutely hate it when people assume... ASSUME take the ASS out of U&Me.. pardon the french for my language... Rude son of a bitches that they are... LOL any ways so i am just cruising down the highway when some asshole comes flying out of the middle of nowhere and flips me the bird. oh well i say to myself. When i got home I kinda figured out who it was and now i should go beat him down... Where is that gun?
Anyways... I get kinda hungry during the summer.. I know its boredom... so I try not to eat maybe some of you should do the same. Oh well. i am doing my best to get followers its up to you people to finish it... tell everyone about the crazy kid rom Small town GA USA i am kind of a trip... I do not plan on going to bed anytime soon i dont want to leave you people in despair... anyways... I am bored now so later....
Truly yours,
Sir Patrick Ryan Eason

What we can do about love

No matter how much we love someone is there ever reall a way to tell wether or not they love us back? To me the answer is no. We can hope and Pray that they do but there is no guarantee that they love us. We can hear them say it all day long.. We can claim that they love us. We can Claim we will never leave we can do anything and say anything... but we will never be able to tell that we love someone. Everyone loves differently... for instance becuase i can Mikey only loves Gabby for her body and she will never realize this becuase she is just that stupid. And she already gave it up but that is her. I am the kind of guy that doesnt like to break hearts so sex comes when we are both ready it doesnt matter what other people say.. You should be able to love someone before pleasures of the flesh
May God take us into his kingdom one day at a time...

growing up

growing up is painful. We find ourselves in a twist of emotional storms that carry us into a state of unrest. Many people who have done some growing up will tell you that it is rather painful. Some people refuse to grow up while others of us have no choice to do it.
"in my stars I am above thee, but be not afraid of greatness. some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness; thrust upon them" William Shakespear
The next thing i have on my mind is fearing what we are going to do while growing up. one of our great presidents provides me with a quote here.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin D. Roosevelt
We are growing up. It seems that everyday that passes something looms around the horizon ready to knock us down. this is when we must find the courage and be completely stead fast in our beliefs as humans, and as earthly beings.
it is up to the young of today to carry the old into tomorrow. dont be afraid to grow up do it, use all the guidance and strength you can muster from those around you. Steadfast, and may god carry us all into his kingdom one day at a time.

Pissing People off

I love to piss you off. It doesnt matter who it is. If you consider yourself a creature with human characteristics i will glady piss you off. now if you do not mind i am going to blog later.

Memorial Day

May 25Th of this year we celebrated our fallen heroes. That is what Memorial day is all about. Pembroke puts up flags for fallen comrades since world War I. if you know a fallen hero from North Bryan County contact the American Legion Post 164 and they will dedicate a flag for $80.00. Memorial Day was first celebrated on May 30 because flowers were in bloom all across the country.
Now that you can tell my blog will vary depending on the mood I am in. i just so happened to be bored when writing this.

The Beginning

This is Britany. I am Patrick's freakin awesome friend who is making his blog for him. You don't have to read this post. It is solely so I can see what I need to do to make this blog look like Patrick wants it to. Look for posts from Patrick soon.